April educational interpreter hub offerings flyer

April Educational Interpreter PD and Mentoring Opportunities
Mentoring, 1:1 sessions, mock session, and Storytelling Series
*Registration for 1:1s and Mock sessions will remain open until Tuesday March 26th*


Don’t miss your chance to:
-Schedule with a Deaf Mentor and/or Interpreter mentor for 1:1 mentoring this month.
-Schedule for Mock practice Interpreting sessions with immediate feedback from the Deaf/Interpreter Mentors.
-Schedule to join the 3 Part Storytelling Series from Tiffany Young with a fun fictional story! PLUS practice voicing stories.
Join us for the IDEA Exchange


Register for the IN-Person Regional Workshop in Ellensburg, Washington March 23rd at CWU 9am -3pm

The theme this year is Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Mental Health!
We are thrilled to have Julia Petersen, MA, LMHC presenting during the workshop as well as several other talented and knowledgeable Mentors!
These all-day workshops are interactive and fun learning opportunities with a combination of focused presenting, role-play, games, and discussions.
All workshops will be presented in ASL.

For questions, contact Melissa Klindtworth at melissa.klindtworth@cdhy.wa.gov