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Family Night Families of Birth to 5 year olds in the Tri-Cities area, please come join CDHY and “Bake it with Sass” and learn how to bake with your deaf and hard of hearing children! This is a hands-on event where you and your child will get to learn new ASL baking vocabulary and learn how to include your child in cooking routines and cooking language. Please bring your aprons as cooking is fun but sometimes messy! All other ingredients and materials will be provided. All communication modes are welcomed! Access to ASL and Spanish Language Interpreters Where: ESD 123 3924 W Court Street Pasco, WA 99301 When: April 8, 2025 5:30pm to 7pm Please RSVP to 360-607-8166 Amy Kyler-Yano with any dietary restrictions/severe allergies.
Noche Familiar Familias de niños desde recién nacidos hasta los 5 años en el área de Tri-Cities, ¡únanse a CDHY y a "Hornéalo con Sass" para aprender a hornear con sus hijos sordos o con dificultades auditivas! Este es un evento práctico donde usted y su hijo aprenderán nuevo vocabulario de repostería en ASL y aprenderán a incluir a su hijo en las rutinas y el lenguaje culinario. ¡Por favor, traigan sus delantales! Cocinar es divertido, pero a veces ensucia. Se proporcionarán todos los demás ingredientes y materiales. ¡Se aceptan todas las formas de comunicación! Acceso a intérpretes de ASL y español Dónde: ESD 123 3924 W Court Street Pasco, WA 99301 Cuándo: 8 de abril de 2025 17:30 a 19:00 Confirmen su asistencia al 360-607-8166 Amy Kyler-Yano si tienen alguna restricción dietética o alergia grave.


Family Night

Families of Birth to 5 year olds in the Tri-Cities area, please come join CDHY and “Bake it with Sass” and learn how to bake with your deaf and hard of hearing children!

This is a hands-on event where you and your child will get to learn new ASL baking vocabulary and learn how to include your child in cooking routines and cooking language.

Please bring your aprons as cooking is fun but sometimes messy! All other ingredients and materials will be provided.

All communication modes are welcomed!

Access to ASL and Spanish Language Interpreters

ESD 123
3924 W Court Street
Pasco, WA 99301

April 8, 2025
5:30pm to 7pm

Please RSVP to 360-607-8166 Amy Kyler-Yano with any dietary restrictions/severe allergies.


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